Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Moving up . . .

Well, it looks like we are moving up in the world or at least moving forward. We are busy packing and patching up odds and ends around this place and I am starting to get anxious to be settled again. It is hard having to keep things running on a regular schedule and then on top of that packing and getting ready to move. But, at least I am busy and hopefully that will help my last few weeks of pregnancy fly by. Ironically, since Rob and I decided to move he has actually gotten two increases at work. Funny because if we had known that we might not have moved. All and all I do truly believe this is an answer to prayers as it will get us in a much better situation finacially and on top of that to have these raises means we can just do it that much faster.

Oh, and our van needed to have some repairs done - a belt and some hoses. Sounds cheap, huh? Well, not so much, but for the first time in a long time we are able to pay for it ourselves. So that is a great feeling.

Kids are all doing well. I think they know things are all topsy turvy so hopefully we can get settled and unpacked quick and then we can relax for a while before the baby comes. Which my doctor said that October 26th looks good (he even wrote it in my chart - yahoo!!) So we will keep you posted. I am voting for Chloe for a girl and Carter for a boy, but Rob is not decided so we will see.


Wendy said...

Good Luck in moving and HUGE congrats on finally getting some raises. You will have to send me your new address.

Alicia said...

We are planning on driving up next Saturday after Ethan's soccer pics. I am glad to hear about Rob's job and we will see you next week!
*I will call and touch base:)