Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, we got notice around the start of March that the people we were renting from could no longer rent to us. Something about the structure being too large for the property or something like that. At any rate we needed to move and we looked to buy and looked around a bunch, but the market here is crazy bad and things are losing 10 - 20,000 a month in house values and we decided to wait and see. So we rented a house from a couple in our ward that was moving to Utah and could not sell their house and it is working out so far. The house is cute - little and yellow with a picket fence and it is on an acre and 1/4. We love it and the kids love it even more. The boys ended up with the huge room and they get all the toys in there and are just LOVING that!! We decided to move and then moved within a week and a half and it was crazy. We are all settled now except for some stray boxes in the living room.

Oh and did I mention that during all this we decided to get a dog. His name is Angus and he is a sweet mastiff. He is only 6 months old, but is already bigger than most full grown dogs. He has been an adventure.


Alicia said...

Have I mentioned that some of my kids are deathly afraid of dogs so this should prove to be interesting when we visit you:) I love your house it is so cute and you need to update your family pic because Chloe looks nothing like that anymore:(

Mendel Family said...

The house looks great! I am glad that you guys got all moved in. I can't believe that you got a dog! He is huge! You are brave, I am not a huge dog fan mostly because I am allergic to all cats and most dogs! The kids also look so cute in their Easter clothes. They are getting so big! I am excited to see the 3 little ones in a couple of weeks! We love you lots!

Matthew Mendel (Lead Viking) said...

Amazing house and what is even more amazing is that you moved so quickly and efficiently. I was glad to be on the phone with you when you opened your last box of unpacking! Ah memories and next week it is our turn (thank goodness you will be here to help ;). Also I love the song on your blog "If I had a million dollars" by the Bare Naked Ladies...One reason is because it is hilarious and the second reason is because, well the bands name.