Sunday, December 30, 2007

One more thing . . .

I realized that I failed to thank everyone who came. My mom and Dad, my sister Megan and her kids, my brother Matthew and his wife Britney from Utah, Ali and her kids, Rob's sister Nikki and Brett, my friend Kim and of course Heather and Doug and Rob's mom. We can't thank you enough for sharing this special day with us. Also special thanks to Jacob who shared this special day with Chloe and was also blessed today by Matthew. It was a great day for our whole family and Jacob looked handsome, but, in my opinion, Chloe stole the day with her special personality and her beautiful face. Here are some more pics of just Chloe so you can see how beautiful she was today.

Thanks again to everyone!!!

Chloe's Blessing Day

Well today was Chloe's blessing - it was wonderful!!!! We had my family for lunch and Rob's family for dinner. Everything went smoothly and I was able to just enjoy the day. We had some last minute ups and downs. Evan and Alicia (our great friends) weren't able to come (Get better soon Alicia) and Rob's dad got the flu and wasn't able to come either. However, Heather and Doug made it which was unexpected, but so great and also Rob's mom decided to come last minute with Marc and it was nice to have her here also. We hope all who are sick will get well soon and enjoy the pics of Chloe on her special day - she is such an angel.

Our Sweet Chloe

All the Vikings in their Sunday best!

The whole gang

Me and my precious girlsRob and me and our sweet angel Chloe

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Zach's Preschool Holiday Party

Santa and Chloe.
Today was Zach's Preschool's Holiday Party. We had lots of fun. Santa came and each kid got a present. They loved it! Zach was so excited! He loved that we all stayed and was so excited to see Santa and that Santa had brought him a present. It was great.

Zach and Savannah put a few sprinkles on the cookies we made

Dylan and Savannah having a good time

Zach and Griffin

Zach singing Jingle Bells with his class

Zach and Savannah with Santa. I think Savannah is warming up to Santa.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fun in December

The kids are out for the winter break now and I am so thrilled to have them all home all day long!! We just have such fun when we can make our own schedule. We still do school work, but we get to play together and have such fun - I am so excited!!

Here is a picture of the clan with Santa. Savannah is still a bit scared of him, but at least she is not screaming this year.

This is the boys at their soccer awards ceremony. They had such fun with their team and their team only lost one game all season long. It was fun. They start basketball in January and that is the sport they really love so we will see how that goes.
Hope everyone else is enjoying their Christmas season. We will post more fun things soon. We love to be busy, busy, busy with so many fun things!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rob at work

Well, I am so proud of my darling husband and the great job he does at work everyday that when he brought home these pics the other night of him working the traffic over our head I just wanted everyone to see!
He Looks so serious!

Guess he can actually smile while holding thousands of lives in his hands.

Keeping those skies safe for us!!! You just got to love your local Air Traffic Controller!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Chloe Anne Beck

We welcomed to our family our newest addition Chloe Anne Beck on October 26th. She weight 7 pounds 8 ounces and she was 19 inches long. She is a great baby and the whole family just adores her. Here are some pics for you all to see her.

She is adorable!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I will post all about our move in a bit, but I thought you would all love this quiz. It is pretty cool. I belong in Rome. Take it and find out where you are. It's fun.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Moving up . . .

Well, it looks like we are moving up in the world or at least moving forward. We are busy packing and patching up odds and ends around this place and I am starting to get anxious to be settled again. It is hard having to keep things running on a regular schedule and then on top of that packing and getting ready to move. But, at least I am busy and hopefully that will help my last few weeks of pregnancy fly by. Ironically, since Rob and I decided to move he has actually gotten two increases at work. Funny because if we had known that we might not have moved. All and all I do truly believe this is an answer to prayers as it will get us in a much better situation finacially and on top of that to have these raises means we can just do it that much faster.

Oh, and our van needed to have some repairs done - a belt and some hoses. Sounds cheap, huh? Well, not so much, but for the first time in a long time we are able to pay for it ourselves. So that is a great feeling.

Kids are all doing well. I think they know things are all topsy turvy so hopefully we can get settled and unpacked quick and then we can relax for a while before the baby comes. Which my doctor said that October 26th looks good (he even wrote it in my chart - yahoo!!) So we will keep you posted. I am voting for Chloe for a girl and Carter for a boy, but Rob is not decided so we will see.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Zach's first day of school!!!

Today was Zachary's first day of school!!! He was so excited. With Griffin and Dylan having started over a month ago he was dying to go to his own school. He did great, too. He was calm and made some friends and they said he was VERY well behaved - go Zach!!!

We are so proud of our little man. Here are some pics for you to enjoy!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Selling to fit

I know most of you live to far to see/buy any of this stuff, but we are selling the stuff below because it won't fit in out new place and if anyone knows anyone who is looking let them know we have the following things for sale.


Kenmore Fridge (asking $175)

Train table (with all the pieces) asking $50

Piano works well - asking $350

U-shaped Couch with two rolling ottomans asking $150

Hutch/China cabinet asking $50

All prices are OBO.


Good, Crazy Times

Well, I have been meaning to post for some time now, but it seems like life just gets crazier every day. We have been doing some fun things and we were getting settled in our school routine. We have this opportunity to move into a smaller, less nice place, but we will save almost $1000 a month because they pay utilities and the place is much cheaper. So, once again, weeks before my due date we are packing up the house and trying to move. Such FUN!!! Enjoy the pics and hope all is great with each of you.

Wild Rivers FUN!!!

Making Cookies!

Monday, August 27, 2007

My Girly Skills

Well, I know for LOTS of you mom's with girls out there this will seem a bit silly, but I did Savannah's hair a new way and I think it turned out really cute. Take a look at the pics. I just find it fun to be able to do this stuff since my boys, for some reason, won't let me do it on their hair. Also, thanks Heather for the cute clips - they make all the difference!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Education Week/Birthday Fun

Well, I just got back from an AMAZING week at Education Week up at BYU. I had such a great time. I loved the classes I took and I really learned a lot and refocused myself on the gospel and the things that are most important to me. It was really an awesome time. Thanks Mom for going with me and for giving me such an awesome Birthday gift. Looking forward to next year. Also thank you to Megan for watching my 4 kids all week so I could go. Everything and everyone looks great and I really appreciate you doing this for me. Finally, thanks Rob for always being so great and letting me do the things I want to do. I had a blast and am so grateful to everyone who helped me out so I could go.

Yesterday was also my birthday - the BIG 30!!! It was lots of fun and I had a great time. My mom and I were going to stay at State Line and drive the rest of the way home this morning, but we didn't want to be there after such a great spiritual week so we just drove home. I was really glad to spend the last couple of hours of my birthday with Rob. He did not know I was coming home, but while I was getting ready for bed he went downstairs and got me some ice cream and put a candle in it for me. So sweet!! It was really a great birthday with the last day of Education week and then a great drive home with my mom and then some time with Rob at the end of the day to top it all off.

I am glad to be home, but I miss being at Education Week already. My kids have been lots of fun this morning and we have a fun day planned. I feel so lucky to have such a great family.

Friday, August 17, 2007

The first day of school!

Well, Monday was the first day of school. Griffin and Dylan both went off great. They are both enjoying their teachers and having a fun time, although they do not like the early mornings (school starts at 7:35am). Dylan's teacher I have heard mixed reviews on, but all the parents who have had boys in his class have loved him, so even though at first I thought about switching him, it doesn't look like that will happen and so I will reserve judgement and will see how it goes. So far Dylan is loving it. Here are some pics for all to enjoy.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Last weekend of summer . . .

Well, we have had a very exciting weekend, well at least for a family with four young children. First we went on Friday to see the kids teachers for next year. Neither of my kids got the teacher they wanted, but I am sure it will work out for the best. Griffin got a Mrs. Hanson who is teaching the 1st/2nd grade combo class I don't know anything about her, but the plus is his best friend from Kindergarten is in his class with him so that will be nice for him. Dylan got Mr. Lindoff. He was not my top choice, but I am hoping that it will work out. Unfortunately, his best friend from preschool got someone else and so that will be hard on Dylan, especially since they do not have recess or lunch together. At any rate, school starts Monday and so we will see.

Friday night Britney and Matthew came to stay the night with us. We stayed up late chatting and then enjoyed our traditional Saturday morning pancakes. Afterwards, the three boys, Matthew and I went to the primary activity day - water fun. Needless to say none of us walked away even a little bit dry, but we did have TONS of fun!!! We had a great lunch together and then spent the rest of the evening/afternoon playing games and hanging out. Thanks Matthew and Britney for coming up to see us - it was so much fun.

Tomorrow, Dylan gives a talk in primary and then we will come home and enjoy an afternoon of getting ready for school and playing games together.

I am so sad summer is over and so NERVOUS for my boys to start school (especially Dylan). I am sure everything will work out just fine!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Summer Fun!!

Well we are finally back from our summer trip. We spent one night at my sisters house, 3 nights in San Diego in a hotel, 7 nights in a hotel in Irvine, 3 nights at my mom's house and then 2 nights at a friend's house. It was so much fun - thanks to everyone who let us crash at their place.

We had a great time mostly just going to the beach and swimming. Some park days and just enjoying friends and family. One of the highlights of our trip was a lunch with Shamu at SeaWorld. It was so fun and amazing how close you can get to the whales. Our kids loved it!! I have posted some pictures below of our adventures.

Griffin and Dylan start school on MONDAY!!! I can't believe summer is pretty much over! We find out Friday at 4 who their teachers are so of course I can hardly wait!!

July 4th

Griffin at Magic Mountain

Griffin at Magic Mountain by Goliath

Zach and Dylan feeding Dolphins at Sea World

All my boys enjoying the Dolphins

Lunch with Shamu - you get SO close to these amazing creatures!!! It was so fun.

Don't know if you can tell or not, but at the end of our table there is a little black bump that is Shamu's head!! It was right on the other side of that netting - SO COOL!!!

Rob running with Griffin and Savannah in the MCA Olympics!!

Almost all the men running the last leg of our opening ceremonies for the MCA Olympics!

Griffin's new favorite game chess with Grandpa!! Zach and Alexis helping the game along.

All the cousins (minus sleeping Nathan) at the beach!

Dylan loving the beach!

Savannah and Aubree enjoying the day together!

Zach posing for the camera!

Great friends enjoying time together!! Ethan and Griffin.

One of our favorite families spending the day at the beach with us!!!

Thanks for sticking all the way to the end of this monster post. Next time I promise to post sooner and not so long!

Enjoy the rest of summer!!!